An article by Thierry, added on May 31, 2021 2 min. reading

At the initiative of the Aéroville teams, the Grand Roissy Tourist Office has deployed in-situ enhancement of the region's tourist offer in an aisle of the shopping center. (In the immediate vicinity of the Aéroville reception desk, near the intersection of the Tokyo Mix, Bali Market and Nordic Chic zones)

This was an opportunity for the Office to make visitors to the center aware of the tourist offer of the destination (unexpected ... for some) focused on Culture, Nature and the Art of Living.

Tourist brochures are made available to passers-by on the offer of Roissy-en-France, Ecouen, Luzarches, Mesnil-Amelot and Gressy.

To illustrate the point, the TO coupled its highlighting by a large triptych of photos with the new tricycle of the OT.

This new promotional tool replaces the old "umbrella stand", it will be highlighted on all local operations of the TO: Inaugurations, GA, JEP, associations forums, etc., and will be offered to members of the TO ( as for example with hoteliers who wish during the summer to offer a tourism corner in their large lobby)

The international golf course of Roissy has also been put in the loop and is present alongside the OT.