New this year, the City Tour Grand Roissy Stopovers, boosted traffic to the website and attracted 230 customers during the two months of testing this project.
The objective of the City Tour: to discover the destination
Since the beginning of July 2022, the City Tour Grand Roissy Escales travels the roads to introduce visitors to the area to the territory. Indeed, this project was born from a desire on the part of the Grand Roissy Tourist Office of highlight the often overlooked treasures of destination.

For this, a coach served 6 stations located at strategic points in the hotel zone, then he dropped off passengers at one of the 6 proposed visit locations. Thus, visitors only had to go to the nearest pick-up point to discover: the ARCHEA Museum, National Renaissance Museum – Ecouen Castle ; the Plaine Oxygène aquatic complex ; the Roissy International Golf ; the Aéroville shopping center ; or the Parisian boats (only on Tuesday evening).

Between heritage, culture, art of living and leisure, a range of experiences were offered to local or passing visitors. The trip was offered at 5€. Free access to museums was included in the price of the ticket and reductions were offered in other places visited. The Parisian stopover, for its part, was offered at 40€ for adults and 20€ for children under 12 years old.
The City Tour obtains encouraging results
The information regarding the launch of this project has been fairly well deployed. Indeed, the news was picked up by 31 press stands (mainly digital) and on 38 social media accounts. Throughout the duration of the operation, the City Tour web page represents 22,5% of traffic to our site, and has approximately 8 page views. It thus becomes the most viewed page on our website.
During the two months of the operation, the City Tour generated 82 orders with 230 tickets sold.
There is a drop in reservations over the period of August. Indeed, this month is quieter with fewer passengers in transit. This same observation was made by the prescribers of the area (hoteliers and cultural venues).
A very good level of satisfaction from City Tour passengers
Passengers were invited to answer a satisfaction questionnaire during their return to the bus. We were thus able collect 60 responses, during the two months of the operation.
At the question “Would you recommend the City Tour to those around you? “, 58 people answered “yes” against only 2 “no”. The comments were mostly very positive, although some areas for improvement emerged. For example, we noted the fact that the time on site at the ARCHEA Museum was too long; that we need to better train the staff of hotels on this project; or that more rotations in Paris would have been appreciated.

Overall, the participants appreciated the different places offered, and the ease of access to the bus thanks to the proximity of the collection points.
Reservations almost exclusively at the last minute
We found that the passenger profile was the following:
- Foreign stopover visitor (mainly Americans and Canadians).
- Passing through for a short time (about 2 to 4 days, so often with a night on site).
- Staying in hotels of the airport area.
- Last minute booking (rarely the day before, rather a few hours before departure).
It is important to emphasize that no City Tour participant has missed their flight (in the case of stopover passengers).

A renewal of the operation is looming for the year 2023
In view of the encouraging results of this first period of experience, the Grand Roissy Tourist Office and its partners are in favor of the renewal of this operation. Of course, adjustments will be made. others places to visit will most likely be added in order to enrich the offer.
The administrators of the Grand Roissy Tourist Office will soon decide on the subject of the renewal of the operation.
Finally, we would like to warmly thank all the people who supported us in this unprecedented project at Grand Roissy. In particular our partners and prescribers for their precious help for the success of this operation!
Other experiences of City Tour are conducted everywhere in French, such as in Dijon; but also abroad as in Spain with the “Stopover Hola Madrid”.