An article by Chloé, added on January 10, 2023 2 min. reading
The National Museum of the Renaissance – Écouen Castle has unveiled its cultural program for 2023. Find without further delay the exhibitions, workshops, visits and other highlights for young and old.
In the programme :
- Until February 6, enjoy the exhibition "Le Blason des Temps Nouveaux"
- In April, find the exhibition "Antoine Caron, the theater of history" (from April 5 to July 3)
- April 15: “Passagi” concert
- May 13: Museum Night
- June 4: Family workshop “Dance at the court”
- June 10: Concert "Catherine de Medici, power and music"
- July 1: Show "invitation to the ball"
- July 2: Family workshop “Dance at the court”
- July and August: Summer at the museum (workshop, theatre, music, cinema)
- August 25 and 26: Open-air cinema
- September 16 and 17: European Heritage Days
- October 1 and December 3: Family workshop – engraving workshop
- From October 21 to November 5: Visit/workshop “monsters in the museum”
- November 25: Concert – carte blanche at Fuoco Opera
Find the complete program by clicking here !
A renovation project from 2023 to 2027
Entrusted to Régis Martin, Chief Architect of Historic Monuments, this project, which will begin in the summer of 2023, concerns the courtyard facades of the three main buildings from the XNUMXth century and more particularly the skylights that adorn their roofs. Made necessary by their state of degradation, their restoration requires the installation of scaffolding in front of each facade in successive phases, which will make it possible to proceed with the cleaning of the masonry and the restoration of the frames, as well as the chimney stacks. Part of the courtyard will therefore be closed to the public, but the museum will remain accessible throughout the duration of the work. An educational presentation of the operation and its evolution will be proposed and updated.
The tapestry of David and Bathsheba on departure
From the end of January, La Tenture de David et Bathsabée, the museum's masterpiece, will be taken down to make way for La Tenture des Valois, on loan from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence for the exhibition on Antoine Caron. The ten tapestries will then remain in storage until the end of the work in the courtyard.