“I arrived in the Paris region a very short time ago, in April. I applied to Plaine Oxygène because I knew that we were looking for staff.

My job is to maintain the premises, take care of customers if there are questions, information to give them. We try to give them as many answers as possible.

What I like about working at Plaine Oxygène is the relationship between colleagues, with the hierarchy but also with the customers, which are very important to me. I've done a lot of catering so with clients everything is going very well, that's no problem for me. So I love this relationship, this bond we have with people, helping them, listening to them.

My attachment to the territory is sentimental. I left the Paris region in 2005 in exile in Ariège but my heart remained in the Paris region, more particularly in Mesnil-Amelot. So it's a return to my favorite town. »